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Challenge / Goal

Currently, some open data platforms exist in Madrid with segregated information, by mode or organisation. There is no multimodal open data platform available with the characteristics of the proposed solution.

The short-term goal is to create an open platform to facilitate cooperation between different actors involved in mobility issues, establishing the basis for future development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concepts for citizens. In the long term, it is intended to encourage the development of high-quality MaaS, increasing the model split of public transport and reducing car use. The project also wishes to increase the quantity and quality of information given to users in order to improve the users’ experience of MaaS.


An open data portal with multimodal information from different sources is being created. This involves all relevant mobility infrastructural information, such as public bicycles, parking, car sharing, pollution, alternative modes and the main road network. The platform, with information of the whole region, will increase the attractiveness of PT services, as well as, enable the designing of mobility services for different kinds of user types and to promote new business models.



Providing multimodal information

Designing mobility services

Prioritising the more sustainable travel option

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Time period

Implementation time: 6 months to 1 year

Service providers


    Main benefits

  • Single access point for information

  • Improved data accessibility

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